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Tag: oxygen

Articles tagged as Oxygen

Using Solar Energy to Generate Hydrogen

Posted on August 25, 2023 by Rickey Tenamore
Hydrogen may be the most abundant aspect in the universe and powers our greatest energy production source, familiar to all or any folks - sunlight.Hydrogen itself accocunts for 75% of the universes elemental mass, obviously not absolutely all of it really is on the planet.But how do we use hydrogen as a fuel.Hydrogen, like fossil fuels can be an explosive gas.When it combines within an explosive reaction with oxygen it produces only 1 element - WATER...

An Inconvenient Truth - and a Convenient Answer

Posted on December 21, 2021 by Rickey Tenamore
It really is a debate that probably must have been taking place when Henry Ford started mass producing automobiles so when Thomas Edison invented the lamp around the first 1900s.Considering that we have an increasing number of men and women owning cars in more places across the world and a finite resource in oil, it was inevitable that crisis of varied forms would eventuate.Of all technological challenges facing the world that affect our day to day lives, this power source dilemma along with maybe cancer treatment may be the biggest...